Random Seven Friday #6
/Wrapping up the week with some random stuff….
I’m currently boozing with St George Gin. I have recently become obsessed with all things Gin….and I don’t know a flying heap about it. So, I when I purchased a bottle last weekend, I employed a tactic I use when buying wine called “Who has the prettiest label”. I got the Botanvore and I’m so madly in love. The Wall Street Journal reviewed it as “Dynamic herbal flavors”. All I know is that my “I Love Vodka and Gin is Gross” BFF tried a sip and will be cheating on her Titos.
A Bestie Night In is better than going out? Last Saturday, my husband had a guys night. Ordinarily, us ladies would hit the bars and cause some trouble. But, we decided to stay in, wear our pj pants and drink the aforementioned gin. We ordered wings and watched a movie. This was the first time we had forgone our night on the town for a Netflix and chill. Best night ever? Kinda….yes!! We watched “Mystic Pizza” because “someone” had never seen it. I know. I was more than shocked too.
Photo credit: Phillippe Diederich (aka her husband!!)
Currently fangirling Lorriane C. Ladish. She has become the roll model for my 50’s. (I have 8 more years to study her ways) She is the founder of the badass website Viva Fifty! and the author of over 10 books, including REACH! From Single Mom on Welfare to Digital Entrepreneur which everyone should read at least twice. She has an inspiring and funny personal Instagram account @lorrianecladish and now she is chronicling her journey as she becomes a certified yoga teacher on @theflawedogini . Girlfriend is raw and uncut in all her media which makes you love her more and more. Of all the content creators I follow, she is the most real…..and….she lives in Sarasota! <Insert face fanning here> I mean look at her! Doesn’t she look like she would be a blast to hang with?!
I have learned to never be shameful about the books I read. I am rabid bibliophile and I follow/belong to all the book review sites. As I work in the corporate world, people are constantly pontificating they’re reading this insightful fiction book of the moment or name dropping a famous business tome. I use to feel like I needed to have one amazing read in my back pocket in case I had to dazzle someone. Now, I really don’t care. I might be reading a literary powerhouse or I might be consuming the latest Nora Roberts. Stay out of my library. It’s mine.
Why oh why are people still applying make up in their car. I was parked at a stop light yesterday and a woman in the car behind me was plucking her eyebrows . I’ve watched women apply eyeliner, mascara and even foundation while waiting for the light to turn green. A word to the wise ladies (and some gents), get up 10 minutes earlier to do your make up in private…...AT HOME. Your eyeliner will be straight, your foundation will be even and there won’t be any car wrecks in your future.
Pondering the origin of “Brown nosing” . I’m associated with some one who is so far up their bosses ass, they can taste his breakfast. He has been coined a “brown noser.” While the super Thesaurus way to say it is “sycophant”, I prefer “suck up”. I had hoped the origin of brown noser would have some more meat to it. But, it’s basically telling someone they have poop on their nose.
Hibachi guys need more tricks. If I am paying $35 to have a bit of fried brown rice, some shrimp and a show, I expect more than a smoking onion volcano, a shrimp flipped in a hat and some egg tossed in my mouth. Not that I don’t love a good hibachi. What I really want is some knife juggling, dueling chefs or lots of fire. I’ll be at Daruma on Saturday. Can you guys make that happen for me?
That’s it. That’s all. Until next week.
Mandy xoxox
PS....I’m really serious about that gin. You need to try it. Little tonic water, with muddled lime and grapefruit. So amazing.
PPS…I cannot believe I used the work “poop” in a blog post.