Random Seven Friday #31

Where have I been:  I know I’ve been a bit MIA lately.  Admit it, you noticed and missed me.  Well, friends….I got a new job.  For a month, it was the job I was looking for….low key and a bit mindless.  This is what I wanted so I could focus on my own little projects.  Then, they looked at my resume again.  Now I run the entire department.  It’s taken me about a month to fix it and about a billion hours of my life.  Now that things are steady there, I’ll be back to my ridiculous antics. Thank you for understanding and all the kind messages wondering if I’ve stopped playing on social media or have died.  Never!  It’s too much fun.

Houseguest from your past: Living in a subtropical climate automatically makes you irresistible to acquaintances from your past.  Not a winter goes by that I don’t receive a DM on Facebook from a old friend….well, friend is a strong word.  Let’s go with “someone I’m friends with on Facebook that I might have been sort of friends with about 5 years ago, but our correspondence has been brought down to liking each others photos on social media”.  One of these people (sometimes two) creeps out of the woodwork every year.

“Hey girl!  Long time on talk!!! 😊  Was thinking about taking a trip down to Florida this winter.  We should totally connect”

Seriously, Brittany….we hung out for 6 months and you forgot all about me once I moved to Florida.  My house is not your vacation house.  I am also not your tour guide.

Hot pink flyovers:  There is a flamingo that flies over my house every week or so.  Wild flamingos live in South America and Africa.  I live in Florida.  I don’t live near a zoo.  More investigation is needed.

Hole in my lip Tervis tumblers are the holy cup of Florida.  You can’t walk 2 feet without seeing someone sipping a beverage from this iconic vessel. The Tervis factory is even located 30 minutes from my house.  Although I love the design (it keeps drinks hot or cold without the outside changing temperature) I cannot drink from one without a spill to save my life.  I have to use a straw or a lid.  Another sign I do not belong in this heat soaked state.

Can’t afford it.  I’ve started receiving the Saks catalog by mail.  Whose idea of a cruel joke is this? Not only is everything out of my bargain minded price range, the models all look miserable wearing the outfits.

And more dog stuff.  There are border collies helping reseed a forest in Chili that was devastated by a fire.  Basically, they were backpacks full of seeds as they run through the forest on their daily walks.  Next to goats being used to clear land, this is my favorite thing.

Not in a million years…would I EVER have this massage.  Not even if Bradley Cooper was laying naked under the massage table whispering sweet nothings.  NO NO NO NO NO…ewwww.